Streamline Projects With 5D BIM Integration | DGTRA


5D BIM enables project leaders to integrate a complex design & engineering information along with the schedule & cost. DGTRA work with our customers to help them implement both project & program level 5D.  A Project Level 5D Solution provides a simulation environment to review the project time & budget performance while a program level 5D helps in creating a Dashboard using datapoints from multiple projects.

We leverage industry leading platforms like Autodesk Assemble, Trimble VICO, Bentley Synchro, Oracle Unifier, and custom-built Power BI solutions. Our 5D BIM implementation methodology plays at the core of standardizing procurement specification linked to Digital Model Objects and deploys industry specific cost coding system like Master format, Uniformat, Omni class and custom-built cost codes.

Learn more about how we integrate the 5D BIM Solution with our services :

Learn more how are clients are leveraging 5D BIM

Creating a 5D BI Dashboard for one of the leading Global Real Estate firm

Creating a 5D BI Dashboard for one of the leading Global Real Estate firm

Overwhelming data and reports comes at the cost of confused and delayed decision making. We helped our client, cut the noncritical aspects and focus on indices on a 5D Data model which are more relevant to their project.

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Helped US based development firm, Leverage 5D Planning to Win more projects and be more certain in making Bid Decisions

Planning and Prebid stages are critical. We helped our client focus on important cost items and plan simulation to demonstrate their ability and confidence to their customers.
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Helped US based development firm, Leverage 5D Planning to Win more projects and be more certain in making Bid Decisions
How to know if you or your business need a 5D BIM solution?
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